A Flowchart for Solving All Problems

         To: <Cupp-J@banyan.rmc.ca>, <caps@vicnet.bc.ca>
       From: <gillevet@centaur.gmu.edu> (Patrick Gillevet)
         Cc: <rgar@loc.gov>
    Subject: Deduct!
       Date: 10/28/96 9:21 AM

A good problem-solving flowchart

                    B E G I N  H E R E
               YES   +---------------+   NO
            /--------| Does It Work? |--------\
            |        +---------------+        |
            |                                 |
           \ /                               \ /
     +-------------+                     +----------+
     | Don't  Mess |               YES   | Did  You |  NO
 /---|  With   It  |          /----------|   Mess   |------\
 |   +-------------+          |          | With It? |      |
 |                            |          +----------+      |
 |                           \ /                           |
 |                     /------------\                      |
 |                     | You IDIOT! |                     \ /
 |                     \------------/              +-------------+
 |        +--------+          |               YES  |  Will You   |
 |     NO |  Does  |<---------/       /------------| Pay For It? |
 |    ----| Anyone |                  |            +-------------+
 |   |    | Know ? |--------------\   |                    |  NO
 |   |    +--------+    YES       |   |                   \ /
 |   |                           \ / \ /             +-----------+
 |   |                       /---------------\  YES  | Will  You |
 |   |                /----->| You Poor Fool |<------| Be Fired? |
 |   |   /---------\  |      \---------------/       +-----------+
 |    -->| Hide It |  |             |                      |  NO
 |       \---------/  |            \ /                     |
 |            |       |  NO  +---------------+            \ /
 |            |       \------| Can You Blame |       /----------\
 |            |              | Someone Else? |       | Trash It |
 |            |              +---------------+       \----------/
 |            \-------------\        |  YES                |
 |                          |        |                     |
 |                         \ /      \ /                    |
 |                       +-----------------------+         |
 \---------------------->| N O  P R O B L E M !! |<--------/

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