Here are some of my thoughts on

The Food Pyramid

The USDA Food Pyramid
I don't know why this is here. I just think it's interesting to think about.

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Are You Comfortable?

Wind Chill Effect
Wind speed,
actual air temperature, ºF
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35
apparent temperature
5 33 27 21 16 12 7 0 -5 -10 -15 -21 -26 -31 -36 -42
10 22 16 10 3 -3 -9 -15 -22 -27 -34 -40 -46 -52 -58 -64
15 16 9 2 -5 -11 -18 -25 -31 -38 -45 -51 -58 -65 -72 -78
20 12 4 -3 -10 -17 -24 -31 -39 -46 -53 -60 -67 -74 -81 -88
25 8 1 -7 -15 -22 -29 -36 -44 -51 -59 -66 -74 -81 -88 -96
30 6 -2 -10 -18 -25 -33 -41 -49 -56 -64 -71 -79 -86 -93 -101
35 4 -4 -12 -20 -27 -35 -43 -52 -58 -67 -74 -82 -89 -97 -105
40 3 -5 -13 -21 -29 -37 -45 -53 -60 -69 -76 -84 -92 -100 -107
45 2 -6 -14 -22 -30 -38 -46 -54 -62 -70 -78 -85 -93 -102 -109
Note: winds of more than 45 mph add little to the chilling.
Heat and Humidity Index
actual air temperature, ºF
70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105
apparent temperature
0% 64 69 73 78 83 87 91 95
10% 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
20% 66 72 77 82 87 93 99 105
30% 67 73 78 84 90 96 104 113
40% 68 74 79 86 93 101 110 123
50% 69 75 81 88 96 107 120 135
60% 70 76 82 90 100 114 132 149
70% 70 77 85 93 106 124 144
80% 71 78 86 97 113 136
90% 71 79 88 102 122
100% 72 80 91 106
Note: sunstroke and heat exhaustion become likely at heat indices of 105 and above.
Source: The Chronicle-Tribune, Marion, Indiana

Round 1: Speaking of weather, check out this photograh:

Guess What?

I just happened upon this image by chance, and it impressed me so much that I kept it. Can you guess what your're looking at? to let me know what you think it is.

Round 2: Okay, now check out this photograh:

Guess What?

So once every seven years or so I find another one. Another impressive image -- it's not really weather, though (or is it?). Can you guess what your're looking at? to let me know what you think it is.

Round 3: Now here's another one:

Guess What?

It's been a few years again, but here is another photograph to guess. How accurately can you guess what your're looking at, in detail? to let me know what you think it is.

Broken Zippers

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